Abingdon Muslims is a small but vibrant community which has been hosting variety of events over the years. For example, in 2023 there were two community Iftar’s, Eid celebrations, Children social events, Sister’s events during summer and a charity football match to raise money for the Palestine cause. Further, there is a football club kicking-off games every Thursday with people from all communities – please contact us for further information about the football club. These events are inclusive to include people from all communities and faiths along with the guest speakers/local representative being invited to these events to share our culture and improve the social interaction between communities locally.
Please join our community WhatsApp group and/or visit the What’s On page for information about the upcoming events.
Below are some of the pictures from the past events organised by the Abingdon Muslims. Please contact us if you have any ideas of social events.
Weekend gathering after Isha prayers at Radley village hall
Children football match organised by our in-house coach!
Children social gathering typically on monthly basis
Guest speaker Sheikh Thaqib on 1st Iftar of 2023 attended by over 80 people
Community members and guest including head teacher of a local school.
Eid prayers and celebrations gathering at the Radley village hall
Imam Abrar along with committee members and Local Police representative
Eid celebrations at Guildhall with local Police representative
Eid Al-Adha celebrations 2009 including the Mayor of Abingdon – Patrick Lonergan at Guildhall